
Happy New Year

Goodbye 2020..... and HELLO 2021.
We made it through some real tough times ...but we did it together. At school, we adapted to a new way of learning IN and OUT of the classroom. Our wonderful faculty and staff learned how to teach using new technology to make the most of "distant learning" - BUT WE DID IT.
We are beginning to see the "light at the end of the tunnel"and we are excited to welcome back our students and family to the second semester beginning January 5, 2021.
With prayers for a return to some a letter from our Head of School Jennifer Farris:

Dear Memorial Family:

I hope you and your families had a joyful Christmas season and are looking forward to the new year. I am looking forward to the second semester of the school year and want to make sure we begin it as safely as possible. During the past several weeks our community has seen an increase in COVID-19 cases and they are projected to continue to rise after the holidays with family and friends. Below you will find some updates and reminders regarding our return to school on Tuesday, January 5th. As the semester progresses we will continue to monitor COVID-19 in our community and hope to all be back in school together when conditions improve. Please remember students who are showing any signs of COVID-19 should stay home. I know working together we will continue to keep everyone safe!

  • Lower School and Middle School students will return with the same policies in place. Students will continue to be self-contained in their classrooms. Please read below for changes in lunch options.
  • High school students will come back to school on our Hybrid plan, but with some modifications.All high school students will come back on the Hybrid plan(last names A-J on Mondays and Wednesdays and last names k - z on Tuesdays and Thursdays)this includes all athletes and students who were coming on other days due to special circumstances. If your athlete will struggle to make it to practice please contact Coach Helmly atThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • We are excited to offer a hot lunch option to our students upon our return to school. Lunches will be boxed and sent to classrooms each day. The lunch will include a drink and will cost $5.00. Please note the first week's menu below.
    • Tuesday, January 5th - Chicken Parmesan over noodles, Italian green beans, and apples
    • Wednesday, January 6th - BBQ meatballs, mashed potatoes, carrots, and banana pudding
    • Thursday, January 7th - Fish, red rice, peas, and jello with fruit
    • Friday, January 8th - Hamburgers, chips, mixed veggies, and peaches
    • Please note the lunch menu will be sent home for Pre-k - 8th grade each Wednesday and will need to be returned each Friday with payment to order for the following week. You will receive a lunch form on Tuesday for only next week and will be asked to return it on Wednesday. High school students will order their lunches during first period each day.

Happy New Year,
Jennifer Farris
Head of School

And so ...... WELCOME BACK, wer are glad you have chosen Memorial Day School for your child's education.


Our Location

Memorial Day School

6500 Habersham St.
Savannah, GA  31405

Phone: 912-352-4535
Fax: 912-352-4536



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Memorial Day School

Memorial Day School is a private, independent Christian school in midtown Savannah, Georgia. Since 1971, our creed that each student, parent, teacher and staff member matters to one another serves to empower each student to matter more as they go forth in life.

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